Restaurants in Matka

“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
― J. R. R. Tolkien

Matka Canyon Restaurants

The Monastery Cave Restaurant

Visit the Monastery Cave (formerly The Bear Cave)! A great location with simple traditional foods done exceedingly well.

Dine on the terrace with beautiful views, or in the cave surrounded by examples of antique taxidermy and old memorabilia. Meals here are very reasonably priced and they are open till late.

Also, we have a pool with live fish so you would be served a fresh meal each time.

Fish & Grill Restaurant

Macedonian Cave Restaurant

Built on (and into) the hillside overlooking the Slalom Course, this restaurant specializes in fresh salads and meat or fish off the grill. You may dine outdoors, indoors, or in cave.

Canyon Matka Hotel & Restaurant

The restaurant (and hotel) has a beautiful veranda overlooking the lake in front of the hotel. The outdoor restaurant has capacity of up to 200 guests.

Fresh Lounge Bar-Matka

A coffee bar with a variety of (non alcoholic) drink choices and a small selection of ice cream.

Look for new menu items this season as they plan to expand into pizza and other types of food.

Fresh Bar now offers bikes for rent and also sells one day fishing licences 

Kulla Alinea

A restaurant specializing in fish dishes and salads with a commanding view of the Treska and towering cliffs. Like the Fresh Bar, this is an ethnic Albanian Establishment and does not serve alcohol.